22年前,尾波滑水正处于分叉路口,左边是第一代职业人联合尾波滑水品牌在传统地推动着这项运动,右边是出现了一批新生代,他们将尾波滑水视为新生产物,而非传统滑水的分支。谁曾料想尾波运动的发展宏图从一期题为“the new crew”的尾波杂志徐徐展开。
那期的封面刊登着的正是新生代偶像选手:Chase Heavener。他和其他一些年轻的职业选手认为“传统滑水”有点刻板,太过公式化,完全像棋盘运动,随着极具讽刺意味的“新生代”群体的创建,他们开始站出来发出一些反对的声音,并最终对尾波滑水的发展产生了巨大的影响。
他们推崇独特的风格,强调印象并以这种滑水方式作为态度,这和传统滑水大相径庭。他们加高了拖绳的牵引点,加长了拖绳的长度,拒绝循规蹈矩。很有趣的是,如今的尾波运动正是这群新生代受着传统滑水者们“仇视”的目光用坚定的步伐开拓的。接下来本文中提到的Horrell,Staker,Heavener,Randy Harris代表“新生代”对之后的尾波运动产生了不可估量的影响。
1997年的“the New Crew”一文,咀嚼时代的文字,感受这群朋友心底的怒吼。
The New Crew
by ChaseHeavener & Matt Staker
WARNING: This article contains explicit Raley bashing. We stronglysuggest that parents read this dissertation before showing it to theirchildren. We (the riders) have nothing against the people who execute this trick, we just think that the move is overrated.
CH: "So Matt, give me some tips on how to do an S-bend."
MS: "Well, Chase,shorten your line to just past the prop wash - that way you'll look like you go into the flats farther - and do a front flip while keeping your arms over yourhead. It's just that easy, AND you can do it switch for more points!"
In the above skit we were being facetious, so don't get your panties in a wad. But if you're going to do an S-bend, do it like Parks Bonifay or don't do it at all. That may sound harsh, so let us clarify. There is nothing wrong with a good S-bend or some Raleys every now and then, but we can only take so much. We are not trying to make anybody mad, but five or six versions of this lame trick just to win a contest? Something needs to bechanged for the betterment of the sport, and this is a good way to start.(以上为杂志原文)

1. No Raleys. 没有超人飞的动作
2. Stance is 21 inches or wider. 站距宽于21英寸
5. You don't wear gloves. Ever.不带手套,永远不带
6. You don't wear three-quarter wetsuits. 不穿四分之三胶衣
7. Your shorts hang over your knees and your butt shows some crack.滑水裤过膝,低腰露出PG丫丫